Friday, May 8, 2015

Science Fiction Books Are For Fun…Aren’t They?

The main character and supporting characters in my series are diverse.  Chausiku is an African American teenage girl living in Chicago.  She has supernatural powers, is being chased by a crazed killer and has a streak for torture (read the books to find out why!) but otherwise she’s just like many other African American girls living in Chicago.

She is motherless but not abused and beaten by her father, a teen prostitute, a drug addict, a sex addict, or abused and beaten by a boyfriend.  She doesn’t live in poverty, isn’t struggling to overcome_____ (pick a serious issue here) or struggling with racial identity.

The same is true for my Chinese and Latino teen characters and their respective cultures.

So if you are looking for a book taking a serious look at the issues facing minority teens today I can recommend many excellent books that you should read.

My books are for those that like the supernatural…science fiction…and books that are just for fun!

#sciencefiction #TeenSciFi #YASciFi #diversity

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